News list for " amr"


CryptoQuant分析师Amr Taha在2月6日的报告中指出,2月6日,以太坊在衍生品交易所的净流出量为-30万枚(价值约8.172亿美元),达到自2023年8月以来的最高水平,这是一个看涨信号,因为交易者将ETH从衍生品交易所撤出意味着抛压减少,同时结清杠杆头寸,并可能将以太坊转移到冷钱包中。 Taha表示...

2025-02-07 13:41:54
ABN AMRO completes tokenized asset trading test with German regulatory platform 21X

ABN AMRO and German regulatory platform 21X have completed a joint proof-of-concept (PoC) on the Polygon Amoy testnet, enabling the listing of tokenized assets and e-currency tokens. By deploying 21X's on-chain order book smart contract, both parties can complete the transaction of tokenized cash and tokenized assets in a single transaction. It is worth noting that, as a company dedicated to building a blockchain stock exchange, 21X received approval from the German financial regulator BaFin in ...

2025-01-30 18:05:35
荷兰银行ABN AMRO与德国监管平台21X完成代币化资产交易测试

荷兰银行 ABN AMRO 与德国监管平台 21X 在 Polygon Amoy 测试网上完成了一项联合概念验证(PoC),实现了代币化资产与电子货币代币的交易对挂牌。通过部署 21X 的链上订单簿智能合约,双方可在单笔交易中完成代币化现金与代币化资产的交易。 值得注意的是,作为一家致力于构建区块链证券交易所的公司,21X 已于 2023 年 12 月获得德国金融监管机构 BaFin 的批准。

2025-01-30 18:05:35
Whales that once made $8.42 million from SWAMRS buy $7.74 million SWAMRS again

According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, early whales who had made $8.42 million through SWAMRS once again bought 7.74 million USD tokens in the form of DCA, buying an average price of $0.2583.

2025-01-13 14:05:58

据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,曾通过 SWAMRS 获利 842 万美元的早期鲸鱼,再次以 DCA 的形式买入 774 万美元代币,买入均价 0.2583 美元。

2025-01-13 14:05:58
Euro wholesale CBDC is being used to settle Dutch bank digital commercial paper on a distributed ledger

Dutch bank ABN AMRO and Rabobank are involved in the digital commercial paper offering, which was tokenized on Deutsche Bo ̈ rse Clearstream D7 DLT. The transaction is reported to be part of the European Central Bank's distributed ledger trial using central bank currencies for wholesale settlements. Dutch bank ABN AMRO has expressed its preference for issuing digital bonds using public blockchains, using Ethereum, Stellar, and Polygon.

2024-10-08 10:50:58

荷兰银行ABN AMRO和荷兰合作银行Rabobank参与了数字商业票据发行,该票据在德意志交易所Clearstream D7 DLT上进行了代币化处理,据悉这笔交易是欧洲央行使用央行货币进行批发结算的分布式账本试验的一部分,荷兰银行ABN AMRO已表示倾向于使用公共区块链发行数字债券,使用以太坊、Stellar 和Polygon。

2024-10-08 10:50:58
Analysts: Derivatives exchange recently net outflow of more than 40,000 ETH, or indicate a reduction in selling pressure

On September 9, CryptoQuant analyst Amr Taha said in a post that derivatives exchanges have recently seen net outflows of more than 40,000 ETH. This could indicate a decrease in ETH selling pressure or a decrease in the amount of borrowing for new short positions. Note: The net flow of ETH on derivatives exchanges is calculated as the difference between inflows (ETH deposited on exchanges) and outflows (ETH withdrawn from exchanges).

2024-09-09 16:12:24

9月9日消息,CryptoQuant分析师Amr Taha发文表示,衍生品交易所近日净流出超过40,000枚ETH。这可能表明ETH抛售压力减少,或新开空头头寸的借款金额减少。 注:ETH在衍生品交易所的净流量,按流入(存入交易所的ETH)和流出(从交易所撤出的ETH)之间的差额计算。

2024-09-09 16:12:24
CryptoQuant Analyst: BTC Long-Term Holders Have Realized Market Cap Beyond $10 billion for the First Time

On August 28th, CryptoQuant analyst Amr Taha wrote: "For the first time, the realized market cap of long-term holders exceeded $10 billion." This means that the group spent a total of $10 billion to buy BTC, which takes into account the price of the last sale of each BTC. Crypto analytics firm Bitbo said realised market capitalisations "are often compared to regular market capitalisations to understand the overall market atmosphere". It is understood that long-term holders are addresses that hav...

2024-08-28 11:37:59

8月28日消息,CryptoQuant分析师Amr Taha发文表示:“长期持有者的已实现市值首次超过100亿美元。”这意味着该群体总共花费了100亿美元购买BTC,此指标考虑了每枚BTC最后一次出售的价格。 加密分析公司Bitbo表示,已实现市值“经常与常规市值进行比较,以了解整体市场氛围”。据悉,长期持有者是指持币时间超过155天的地址。Taha解释说,一...

2024-08-28 11:37:59
Block: Company's bet on bitcoin is long-term

According to Amrita Ahuja, Block Inc.'s chief financial officer and chief operating officer, the company's investment in bitcoin allows the company to learn more about this potentially "transformative" technology. The company's bet on bitcoin is long-term. We are bullish on a future where money can flow as quickly as the internet, and bitcoin is the most likely contender to realize this vision because it is resilient,...

2024-06-28 13:06:40

据Block Inc.的首席财务官兼首席运营官Amrita Ahuja表示,该公司对比特币的投资使该公司能够更多地了解这种可能具有“变革性”的技术。该公司对比特币的押注是长期的。我们看好未来资金可以像互联网一样快速流动,比特币是最有可能实现这一愿景的竞争者,因为它具有弹性,...

2024-06-28 13:06:40
Bakkt Appoints Ray Kamrath as Chief Commercial Officer

Bakkt announced the appointment of Ray Kamrath as Chief Commercial Officer for Bakkt's cryptocurrency business. Kamrath will lead the company's sales efforts and be responsible for Bakkt's cryptocurrency business, including trading, custody, and institutional products. He will also be responsible for marketing, strategic partnerships, customer success, business development, and operations, with an overall focus on expanding and growing Bakkt's business. It is reported that Kamrath joined Bakkt i...

2024-05-23 20:40:22
Bakkt任命Ray Kamrath为首席商务官

Bakkt宣布任命Ray Kamrath为Bakkt加密货币业务首席商务官,Kamrath将领导公司的销售工作,负责Bakkt的加密货币业务,包括交易、托管和机构产品。他还将负责市场营销、战略合作、客户成功、业务开发和运营,总体重点是扩大和发展 Bakkt 的业务。 据悉,Kamrath于2023年12月加入Bakkt,担任机构解决方案主管。

2024-05-23 20:40:22